Our Mission Statement

Our Mission is to modernise the industry by facilitating the stakeholders' access to the services digitalisation provides and by delivering the platform, which will empower the industry and small businesses, with the tools they need to compete with other forms of retail.

In our endeavour to implement this platform we have encountered many difficulties, making us to realise that, perhaps, the majority of the issues, the industry faces, are due to the variety of perspectives, interests, and goals, held by the different stakeholders. They act as four horses trying to move a cart by pulling it in opposite directions. Each is pulling harder and harder, trying to reach a ball of hay which is standing meters away from them and not be able to move an inch. "If the well being of so many people was not at stake it will be funny"

Our objective, in this context, it is to make these four horses pulling in the same direction, knowing that their goals will remain the same, their mindset will not change and they will probably never totally understand each other. To achieve this the only logical solution is to put all the balls of hay in the same place. How does this translate for the industry? How can we make this happen. by providing a digital platform?

The current situation

As a retail force, markets are governed by the same rules than large retailers: Customer satisfaction, reducing operating and administrative cost, good marketing strategy, good training of their sale force, and providing the infrastructure which will make they work as effortless as possible. Big retailers naturally have a coordinated strategy. When they are applying these rules it's for a common goal: "the success of the company". Not in the market industry! The execution of these rules is unfortunately never coordinated since all are only concerned by themselves :

  • The modern consumers are "connected" and want's to be able to access information about services and goods' availability instantly.
  • The traders want to be able to concentrate on selling they goods, they are too small to spend time on marketing and admin, this is just a burden for them
  • Market managers want to sell the pitches and to promote their market, not to sell goods.
  • Local authorities officers, want the records and procedures to be followed not to run a business
  • How are we addressing this issue

    Because these balls of hay are heavy, we need suitable tools to move them. We are doing so by Identifying the actions of each user, when they are carrying out their duty and, how these actions can benefit other users when they are interacting with each-others. For example :

  • When publishing an event or a market the operator is, simultaneously, providing the trader, the public and the relevant government official with the information they require.
  • When confirming a booking, the trader, has provided the operator with all the details they needed to process the application, local authority officers are provided with all the documentation required. The operator is adverting the trader's business on its website, The trader is promoting the market through his followers. The public is informed and prompted to check what are the offers available and by doing so, becomes aware of what else is happening at the market place.
  • When an official checks a trader credentials and carries an inspection out, the report is instantly shared with the trader and other officers from the same agency, Informing them that an inspection has been carried out and what the next step should be. The traders and other officers do not have to go through the whole process again
  • What do we need to succeed in our mission?

    To move these balls of hay, we now need the Industry's stakeholders to register. They only have to do this once, but, this is requiring a minimum of efforts from each of them and In some cases a subscription fee will apply:

  • Traders: The registration takes longer than registering in other platforms. They have to comply with the overall requirement of all local authorities, providing details and uploading all the documents necessary to get their credential. They also need to register their business profiles, stall profiles, provides photos, good description, write about their businesses, and start adding promotional material, this process takes about thirty minutes, in average.
  • For local authorities and government agencies to register and starts using our traders' monitoring facility this will take up to 10 minutes per officer. If they also want to use the platform for issuing Street Trading Licenses, technically this can take from one day to a week. (the decision process may takes a year or two). To implement end-user facility in their own website this will take their programmer about one hour.
  • Operators: Using the free service takes 15 minutes to register. To use the professional version and to implement the full management suite will take from few hours to one week, depending on the size and complexity of their operation, and for both to implement the system in their own website will take one additional hour.
  • The public registration takes seconds as they can do this through their social media accounts
  • When using the platform, the registered users are benefiting from a system which simplify their work and which is effective for the other stakeholders, creating a synergy which will trigger growth. Success is a catalyser; hopefully, the people will start realising that by considering each other's problems, and finding solutions which are helping everyone, they are progressing themselves. Perhaps, slowly their mindset and perspective will change.

    A very big thanks for the whole of you who have reached the end of this page.