How to Contact Market Traders
Market traders whose stalls are listed for events displayed on The Market People website can be contacted by email, through our platform.
First you will need to register as a visitor, then, to find a trader's contact details or email them, log in as a visitor and follow these four easy steps:
Step 1: Click on an event name on either The Market People home page or search page:

Step 2: Click on the name of the event you are interested in and then on the event profile page scroll down to view the stalls for that event:

Step 3: When you've selected the stall you're interested in, click on its name to view the profile page for that stall:

Step 4: On the stall profile page you'll see the name of the trader running the stall - click on the email icon and a popup window will appear containing a form you can use to contact the trader:

And that's how easy it is to contact a market trader with The Market People!