How to Contact a Market Operator
Please note some operator do not wish to be provide contact details to the public, in which case you may find their contact detail once logged in your professional account. If in the event listing there is no button to contact the operator or to submit a trading application, it means that the organiser does not wish to be contacted at all. In this case we wont be able to provide you with their contact details.
You can find the contact detail of all the Market operators and Event organisers which are sharing their details to the public using the following steps.
Step 1: Click on the name of an operator displayed on an event listing on The Market People home page or search page :

OR click on the name of the operator shown in the info window for the event you're interested in on the map on the search page:

OR click on the name of the operator shown on the event profile page for the event you're interested in:

Step 2: On the profile page for your chosen operator, you will see their contact details:

And that's how easy it is to contact a market operator with The Market People!