What's in it for Operators?

The digital support needed by every market manager, event organiser and commercial space manager

Two options available

  • The free listing
  • The full management suite
  • Free listing to the public and traders:

    This service is entirely free and easy to use. You can publish as many markets/events as you want to the public and the traders if you need to .

    Included free marketing tools:

  • Social Media Integration, which generate automatically the content of your posts, making it very easy for you, the traders and the public, to spray the news
  • A QR code is generated automatically for each of your listings, which you can use on advertising material, carry bags etc,
  • A "What's On" section , to includes what is happening at your market(s) or event(s) on specific dates. You can use this feature to promote your participation to national campaign, such as Love your Local Market, create a program of activities, or special promotions. Traders can be invited to participate, in which case they can use the tools we provide to the trader, to publicise what they will be doing. Each of these these "What's On" publication and traders "special offers" are social media friendly , one click of the mouse and the post is automatically created ready to be shared to every one and by everyone.
  • Social media interaction: Every events, Market, stall attendance. stall profile or trader special offer, can be shared by a single click on the social media icone provided, as the post is automatically created.
  • Receiving and processing traders applications

  • When you choose to publish you event to the traders, notifications are sent to all our registered members.
  • Vetted traders holding a valid MarketPass and showing interest in your market of event will be able to submit their application, which includes their contact and business detail, the description and photo of their stalls and products as well as, the documentation and certificate usually required (PLI, Hygiene Certificate, PAT testing, Gas safe.. )
  • You can approve their application for the trader to confirm their booking, When you do this, using the platform. the trader is automatically listed in your event/market profile and, your event is listed in the traders' stall profile, The trader can also submit, daily special offers which will be reflected in the public page on both your event/market and their stall profile.
  • We also provide additional services on demande and for a small fee:

  • Using "IFrame" technology, your listing(s) and event profile can be integrated in your own website, including a link for trader to register and submit their application.
  • Pre-programmed Proximity Beacons
  • Interactive advertising board for each of your traders
  • A marketing service to boot your markets and events: This includes the professional registration of your event profile, a tailored press release sent to relevant national and local publications, listing of your event on local websites and local social media network.
  • Register now to list your event for Free

    Full Management Suite:

    Market activity contributes to all 25 priorities identified in the High Street 2020 project, improving town centre vitality and viability. In order for market operators to respond and adapt to change against a competitive environment, budgetary cuts and savings, it is vital for core services to be prioritised towards event management and partnership working while the administrative load is facilitated through a suite of digital solutions.

    The Market People Provide event organisers, market operators, and commercial space management officers with the perfect digital solution

    The Market People's fully scalable management suite can accommodate all types of markets, commercial events, and individual commercial spaces such as street trading pitches, regardless of the size of your operation. In addition to the marketing features mentioned above, it provides operators with an impressive array of tools and services, designed to improve efficiency in almost every area of your business; theses include:

    The creation and listing of any events and market.

  • Regular markets,
  • One off Events
  • Temporary Markets
  • Indoor or outdoor market or Event
  • Market or Event with multiple sections
  • Individual street trading pitch
  • Individual temporarily commercial spaces in shopping centre, and other private setup
  • Highway lay by
  • Booking related features

  • Access to the only central and online booking system available today. Making applications to your events only five clicks away from a registered traders' mouse.
  • Fast tracked telephone booking, allowing the "not so good with computers" to book by telephone
  • Instant access to the stall and professional details of the applicants, allowing you to make informed decisions when processing their applications
  • Full benefits of our trader accreditation process guaranteeing that traders' documentation is in order at time of booking, with notifications if documentation expires before the event takes place (traders are not able to book when their public liability is expired for example, but if their insurance runs out at any time after their booking is confirmed, their booking will not be cancelled by the system, but instead, you will be informed and be able to take the appropriate action).
  • Compatibility to any type of units you are offering : (gazebo, barrow, stalls, pitch, etc.) are available for traders' applications.
  • Automated live update of your daily pitch availability.
  • Pitch allocation, when you assign a stall to a specific pitch at the time of the booking
  • Automated daily booking for permanents traders
  • Automated commodity restriction (trader application)
  • Automated equipment restriction
  • Automated notification of vehicular restrictions
  • Customisation of additional services and equipment you are providing, including initial stock list, item description, photo, pricing, applicable VAT .
  • Automated stock level management,(partially meaning that when a booking has expired, the system understands that the item(s) linked to the booking are now available).
  • Trader Acceptance of your Trading Terms and Conditions with every booking
  • Individual traders attendance history

    Payment and bookkeeping features

  • Full audit and monitoring of traders' accounts
  • Automated delivery of Itemised Invoices, credit notes and receipts.
  • Multiple payments facility (cash, online, bank cards, cheques, direct debit, prepaid, with deposit, in full or partial).
  • Pricing policy accordingly to commodity sold
  • Pricing policy applying to specific date
  • Pricing policy per period
  • Pricing policy accordingly to the business type of activities
  • Audit of payment received Including amount, method, who recieved the payment
  • Audit of debt and unpaid invoices, per trader, per event, per period
  • Reminding payment letter send by email
  • Turnover audit per period, per market, per location, per traders
  • Automated application of your special discounts and offers accordingly to: specific trader or stall, commodity, new trader, specific event, specific dates or date range, specific booking circumstances, (for example, discounted, non-refundable early bird bookings).
  • Apply special deal to specific traders.
  • Sign posting in the event listing for traders when one of their stalls is eligible for a discount at your event/market.
  • Multiple user access permission levels

  • The way the application is built, allows you to share limited access with third-parties,(read only).This opens new business opportunities, particularly when operators are involved in running markets on behalf of local authorities. A simple example, as an operator you can charge a council for running their market, you don't have to be collecting the rent as it can be paid directly to the council, while you will still be able to monitor the trader's account, view who has paid or not and take necessary actions. The options are almost endless as performances can be monitored and actions accounted for, making this the perfect tool for a transparent partnership.
  • Staff access level, this feature allows you to choose which level of access, you want to assign to each member of your staff. For example, someone working in the accounts department can receive payment but will not be able to accept of refuse an application, cancel a booking or give a discount. Give a marketing person only access to view and edit the market event description, add or remove related photo...
  • Staff are provided with their own account, with a dashboard appropriate to their access level and function. Once a member staff account has been created, they can access the information relevant to their duties, accordingly to their access level. For example, every morning the market attendant will be able to view the number of traders booked for the day and their pitch allocation, but may not be able to view their financial statement while a collector will be able too.
  • Assignment of events to specific members of staff, operators, can assign staff to specific events, this feature allows you, for example, to assign a specific manager, site attendant, collection officer, to a specific market at the last minute, thus giving them access to related information according to their credentials . A great feature for large companies needing to replace staff without affecting the day to day business.
  • Audit of staff action: as the main account holder you can trace back which authorised member of staff made a specific decision when giving a discount, collecting payment, cancelling a booking, etc. or use this feature to demonstrate and justify your decision making process when you are accounted for your action.
  • Communication tools

  • One-click communication with traders, a simple glimpse at the screen of your smartphone gives you access the daily list of your traders and their contact details, a tap of the finger and your phone is calling the trader. Very useful for the market attendant when a trader hasn't turned up.
  • Send emails to groups of traders. Within two clicks of a mouse, you can send email to all your traders, only traders who are attending a specific event or on a specific date, traders that have applied but not confirmed bookings etc. lots of time saving here, while always targeting the right group of people and missing no one.
  • Automated email sent when action are taken
  • Automated file sharing between relevant stakeholders. This feature gives local authorities direct access to the professional documentation of your company and of the traders business, attending your event on each day, . Officers can only access the details relevant to their duty, for example, an Environmental and Health officer, only has access to the professional contact details and relevant documents such as hygiene certificates, HACCP, food business registration and previous inspection reports of traders attending a market or an event in their jurisdiction. It allows the officer to communicate directly with the trader and operator when extra documentation or details are required. This feature also reduces the risk of miscommunication since you do not act as an intermediary, you are not involved in the conversation. It also saves lots of officials time, as there is never a need to chase for documentation or information. In the case of large events, it also nullifies the need to have multiple SAG meetings as all the relevant members are informed automatically and are able to communicate individually with the operator.
  • Event cloning facility. You will be glad to know that you can clone any of your previous markets or events, avoiding the need to go through the whole setting process again. the same parameters every time
  • You can create teams of permanent traders and assign a team to a relevant market. For example every Friday and Sunday you run a general market with permanent traders, when you create your market in the system you just need to assign the "general market team" of permanent traders for them to be booked automatically and the same for your monthly farmers market. If a permanent trader wishes to cancel, they will be able to do so accordingly to your terms and conditions, but otherwise, you don't have to worry if they are going to come or not or risk forgetting to keep their pitch.
  • Additional Benefits

  • Enhanced marketing tool for your traders. Since you are using a live booking system, all the stalls attending your market are accurately listed in the public profile of your market, every day. Allowing your traders to be promoted on your website, including any special offers they may have. It also allow them to take part in your proximity advertising campaign (which is part of our marketing tools).
  • Thanks to the live and online booking facility, if you run a busy market, by simply making sure that your traders cancel their booking in advance, you will never miss the opportunity to rent a pitch and never have to turn down queuing market traders.
  • Specific requirement

    While this a plug and play service, unlike the "free basic operator account" You may need basic training to be able to use the platform and fully benefit from the extended list of service provided, particularly when setting the pricing parameter for your first event. While an individual with good computer literacy will find the platform fairly intuitive, the UX and UI of the operator dashboard have not yet been optimised. Because the user interface will change once optimised, we are not going to write the manual or help files until the new version is released. However, we are offering online support, training courses and initial setting up of your account including creating your first market or event. The length of the training course will vary from a few hours to a few weeks, depending on the size of your operation and its complexity, the number of people to train and their individual learning abilities. Alternatively, we can train your self using a dummy account on our UAT website where you can test and verify if your settings before publishing on the live website.
  • When you adopt TMP booking system, you need to process all your booking through the application, which also means that each and every trader will need to complete their online registration.
  • The platform was originally designed to set compliance standard which will meet with every local authority requirement. For this reason, we created the MarketPass. Which only allow trader fully vetted to attend the events listed using our platform. This great feature will have saved million to the local authority and government agencies, in administrative cost, unfortunately we haven't been able to introduce the system globally. Without the government support, due to the number of information traders have to provide to be able to meet with the various Local Authorities' legal requirements, and despite the security the system adds to the handling of their personal private data, some reassurance needs to be given to the traders time to time. This is an area where we have greatly improved as the trader account is now entirely responsive which make the registration easy from any devices. More importantly, when a trader registers, he does not only access to the service we provide, he also builds his business profile on line, the registration can take up to 30 minutes. While it is this registration process witch allow traders to fully benefit from the system and subsequently submit an application in second. To permit a smooth adoption of the system, we are currently developing a feature which will allow the market operators and event organisers to take bookings from none registered traders. Until then it is recommended to use the free service. as an introductory period, in order to allow your existing traders to register and get used of the system. This new feature will not refrain scrupulous operator to only book trader vetted and registered when they choose to do so, or need to provide this security to local authorities.
  • Costs

    The full management suite subscription for a single event, lasting a week or less starts at £100 +VAT, (two month listing).subscription for market and multiple event starts at £600+VAT per year and depend on the size of your operation. services required and duration of the contract
  • And finally, If you have read all the above twice and understand what this really means, you probably realise that you will be able to achieve as much in few hours as you currently do in a week. At the fraction of the cost of any digital solution available, even a simple payment collection software, you will be powering your business with a million pounds digital solution, that no individual business can normally afford.
  • Register now to subscribe to our full management suite


    Automate 70% of your administrative workload, allowing for a range of staff levels with our powerful and unmatched management tools, while retaining full control of the selection process


    Publicise your market and generate interest in events to the industry as well as members of the public through our streamlined system of marketing tools, regardless of the size of your operation


    Monitor trader accounts, allow for incentives and receive payment by cheque, credit card or online* either in advance or onsite through your smartphone or tablet, with all receipts emailed to you automatically

    * Subject to an authorised Merchant Account

    "The Market People allowed us to reduce our administration load by 70-80% and get our traders directly involved in the promotion of the markets, leading to an estimated 20-30% increase in trader turnover."
    Savoir Fayre Ltd