About The Market People

The Market People is the brainchild of Philippe Basset, a market operator, who dreamed to create a central booking facility for the traders and reduce his admin cost. Philippe worked two years on a specification for a website, before meeting Pete Vandjarsveeld in 2011 when they decided to form the company, Philippe providing the knowledge of the industry and Pete offering to provide for the development of the platform and cover its costs until 2016, which he did, Pete left in 2016 to concentrate on his software development company. We owe him a very big thanks as this platform will have never been created without his support.

We are the opposite of a corporation, just a small company without a business plan but a clear vision. A bunch of enthusiasts and dreamers believing that good ideas, need to be executed, and can't just stay on the drawing board waiting to happen

With little funding and the voluntary hard work of many people we produced, what we believe to be, the most powerful digital platform available to the market and event industry. At the time of writing this The Market People is in its seventh year of development, and about to enter its commercial phase.

If, as trader, market operator, local authority or member of the public, you like what we are doing, (read our mission statement), or share our vision and want to help, simply register and joint The Market People community, either as professionals, to enjoy many of the free services we are currently providing or as supporting member of the public.

A very big thanks from the Market People Team and all our members